Our message is that no matter who you are, you can be successful. Regardless of your age, race, gender, sexual orientation, disabilities or anything of the sort, you can succeed.You can be a boss. You can change the world. You can do what you love.
We exaggerated the different “routes,” or story options, to clarify our point. This story was based heavily off of modern gender stereotypes, and in a sense is a form of satire in how exaggerated it is. Everyone’s experiences and trials are unique to them and them alone. It was not our intent to imply that all men are privileged in their workplaces and education. That is merely a stereotype and, unfortunately, something that does happen in many scenarios. However, that is not always the case. We only intended to bring light to the situations where it DOES happen.
Though it wasn’t talked about much, we did try to incorporate how we see society’s statement on the gender-neutral gender identity. Rest assured, we are not discriminative towards members of the LGBTQ+ community. Alana, one of the story creators -and the one who had the idea for the non-binary “route”- is in fact a member of said community, identifying as both gender-neutral and pansexual. They’re also the one writing this right now. (Hiya!) Regardless, we are in no way anti-LGBTQ+, and it was not our intention to appear as such. What we included in our project was purely meant to make an impact.
Stylistic Choices
On the title screen, there’s a small detail we added where if you hover over the start button, the text on the button changes from “Play this game” to “Play our game.” That was inspired by the song by Benny called “Little Game.” Some of the lyrics state, “Hush boy, oh hush boy, don’t say a word. Throw on a jersey and no one gets hurt. Hush girl, oh hush girl, just bat your eyes. Play our little game.” The song was written speaking of gender roles and their impact on our youth. “Our game” is referring to society’s game of maintaining masculinity or femininity.
Girls Who Code
We’d like to thank you for playing this game and reading this message. This project was created during a Girl Who Code summer course. This program is absolutely amazing because it gives young girls a safe place to learn how to code without the fear of judgement or gender discrimination. We would absolutely recommend this course for any young girl interested in coding, or any girl who wants to try something new. Even if you’ve never tried to code before, that’s okay. This program provides you with the tools, resources, and support that will help you succeed.
Thanks for playing! Make sure to check out the About Us page for more information on the creators and their other works!
~The Meme Team